
· 混流泵8寸,博山混流泵,混流泵500hw-6,混流泵

水泵的传动方式         我厂生产的HW型系列混流泵均可用柴油机、电机带动,混流泵,其传动方式视各地区动力情况而定,订货时根据原动机的型号(功率、转速)确定水泵的传动方式,以确定皮带轮的大小或联轴器的规格。 IV.    Dri...

品牌 泰山泵业
总量 不限
包装 不限
物流 货运及物流
交货 按订单




 IV.    Drive Mode of Pump

       Our HW

seriel mixed-flow pump can be driven by diesel engine and motor.The drive mode

can be chosen according to the local motive power situation. When placing an

order for the pump, we should decide the drive mode of the pump according to

the prime motor type(power, rotate speed) in order to confirm the size of

pulley or coupling.


 1.The padding is

 pressed too tight or the around compactness is not enough

 2.The padding is

 pressed deflected and the axile wears seriously



 1.Loosen the gland bolts to adjust

 2.Loosen the gland bolts and tighten it again.
